Gelatin: Is it the dessert you need for strong hair?
Beauty Tips

Gelatin: Is it the dessert you need for strong hair?

By Eloísa Carmona - 2022-09-02T13:48:10Z
Gelatin is a simple, practical, tasty dessert; it is a childhood staple, but also an adult one because its main component, gelatin, has digestive, skin, and hair benefits, as we can obtain collagen from it and use its amino acids to create keratin.As we age, our body produces less collagen, so obtaining it from food is essential to maintain strong skin and hair. In fact, studies have shown that gelatin can improve the thickness and growth of hair strands.The gelatin is made from animal collagen; in fact, its ingredients usually consist of the skins and bones of certain animals (generally cows and pigs), which are boiled, dried, treated, and finally, the collagen is extracted. This is dried, ground into powder, and from there gelatin is produced.Now, hair is primarily made of keratin, a protein that the body produces from certain amino acids found in collagen. When you consume collagen and other proteins, you provide your body with the material to create, in turn, proteins like keratin and other compounds.Moreover, collagen can also help protect your hair follicles from free radicals, as it can act as an antioxidant; it is good for preventing thinning of the strands as you age. And not only that, it will also benefit the health of your bones, joints, and of course, your skin.However, it is important to know that the amount of collagen in gelatin is lower than what you can obtain from a collagen supplement, and you should consider the amount of sugar it contains and artificial colors, although gelatin is a good food within a balanced diet.Remember that you can also use gelatin in your beauty routine, with a mask to prevent frizz and achieve strong, shiny hair.