Beauty Tips

The damage that alcohol causes to your skin

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:18:18.662713Z
Hello! Today we have a super important topic for you during this vacation and football season: The effects that alcohol has on your skin. Maybe drinking one or two drinks occasionally doesn’t affect you much, but the continuous abuse of alcoholic beverages does have significant repercussions on your face in the following days and even more so in the long term. Those extra drinks don't just manifest as dark circles the next day, but in damages that can appear as breakouts that ultimately harm the health of your skin. Take note: distilled beverages like rum, tequila, vodka, and whiskey reduce oxygen levels in the blood, which disrupts collagen production in your skin, leading to negative results such as loss of radiance, elasticity, and firmness. Seriously, excessive alcohol consumption causes much more damage to your skin than you think. It is true that it relaxes you, makes you feel light, and brings a cheerful effect, but inside your body, what happens is that those drinks you ingested cause your blood vessels to dilate, forcing your liver to work double time to release the toxins from your body. When it cannot do so optimally, toxins and fats accumulate, which can lead to acne and blackheads. But that's not all; there are other effects that alcohol has on your skin: It causes dryness because it reduces the delivery of oxygenated blood that flows through your veins, including the veins in your face, which can sometimes burst, forming a type of spider veins that appear as reddened spots on the face. Let’s not forget the swelling we experience after a night of drinking. This is because alcoholic beverages are generally very high in sugar and retain fluids, making us look puffy and our skin appear unhealthy. Finally, let’s talk about the predisposition to develop bruises that alcohol consumption puts us in. This happens because a high level of alcohol in the blood depletes the reserves of vitamin C in the body, and let's remember that this vitamin is necessary for the rapid healing of tissues and good blood flow in the body. Also, because the skin becomes dehydrated, it is less able to cushion injuries. So now you know, during this festive season and football matches, choose to enjoy while taking care of your skin. View original article Article courtesy of      Spicy Mango Water Cucumber Water with Lemon Watermelon Water with Chile