15 Phrases That People with Depression Hate to Hear
Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:24:53.857076Z
When a loved one suffers from this illness, what we surely want is for them to feel better by giving our support. However, sometimes we achieve the opposite by saying phrases we think are 'motivational'. Have you said them? Take note of the things that those with depression do not need to hear.
Get up and do something
Don't doubt that the person with depression has tried to get out of bed, but their body doesn't provide the energy to do so.
There are people who are worse off than you
Of course, they know that, but it doesn't help them resolve their problems.
You are stronger than that illness
Even if it seems like you are motivating them, the person might think they are not good enough to fight against depression.
This is how you can decorate your home to combat depression
Nobody said life was going to be easy
It would seem that instead of supporting that person, you feel pity.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself
It's easy to say, but depression destroys self-esteem, and it doesn't recover overnight.
You have to move on
Instead of feeling encouraged, the person might want to isolate themselves more from others because they feel criticized.
Drink infusions to help you sleep
Don't you want to be happy?
Even if you phrase it as a question, it seems like you are stating that your friend does not want to feel better.
What's the problem?
Many times there is no specific reason or event for depression to develop, as it is a chemical imbalance.
You'll get over it
This would make them feel more guilty for feeling so sad.
Sleep better by following these steps
You are too sensitive (or negative)
Depression is not about character, as the person does not have true control over how they behave.
Life goes on
In reality, you would not be giving the importance that what the person is suffering deserves.
Go out and have fun
Unless you are willing to be their company and endure that they might not be having a good time, it's better not to give this advice.
Did you know that chocolate can combat depression?
I know how you feel, I get depressed every week
Contrary to your good intention, the person might think you have no idea what they are going through.
You don't need therapy or medication
You are not helping much; depression is an illness that requires medical treatment.
But you also have many things to be grateful for
You are practically telling them that they will never recover from depression and that it would be better to get used to it.
These 6 foods can cause depression