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How to cure a clay pot step by step

By Gretel Morales - 2023-01-11T16:45:47Z
Clay pots are an icon of Mexican cuisine, as they give an exquisite flavor to all kinds of dishes, stews, and drinks. So if you want to prepare the best mole or beans in the pot, buy your clay pot! Once you have your pot, it's time to cure it, but don't worry, according to experts, there are 3 very simple and practical ways to cure your clay pots, it's easier than you think! 1. Water and oil Submerge the clay pot in water for 24 hoursAfter this time, put the pot on the fire.When it's hot, coat the inside with vegetable oil.Your pot is ready to use, prepare your favorite stews!You can also read: How to clean the molcajete step by step2. Garlic and vinegar Submerge the pot in cold water overnight.Dry it very well.Rub a clove of garlic on the inside and outside of the pot.Put the clay pot on the fire.Pour 1 cup of white vinegar and let it boil.Let it cool and wash it with water and soap.Now your clay pots will be ready for a taquiza this weekend, let’s get to work! 3. Water and lard Fill the clay pot with water and bring it to a boil.Let the water evaporate.Coat a cloth with lard and smear the entire interior.Your pot will be ready to cook all kinds of moles and marinades, enjoy!Now that you know how to cure a clay pot in 3 different ways, you are ready to make the most of this utensil. How to wash clay pots? A couple of days ago, at Kiwilimón, we set out to research how to properly wash clay pots, so we are sharing this information and hope it is very practical for you.Remove all food remnants.Rinse the pot with hot water.Scrub the pot with a sponge and a bit of dish soap. Rinse.Fill the pot with water, heat it, and allow it to come to a boil.Let the clay pot cool, pour out the water, and rinse again.Let the pot dry and store it in a clean place.Additionally, it is recommended to store it in a spacious place, to avoid placing pots or pans on top, as these could break or damage the clay.