Tips and Advice

The food to transform your breakfasts into super breakfasts is already in your kitchen!

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-08T17:10:43.330343Z
  If you struggle to choose something delicious and nutritious for breakfast… Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; we already know that. But what food can we eat in the morning that is nutritious, tasty, and practical at the same time? If you also struggle in the mornings to decide what to have for breakfast, we have excellent news for you: you already have it in your kitchen. Do you know what it is? Keep reading to find out. It’s a cereal that, due to its good content and types of fiber it contains, can help us feel satisfied for a longer time. Additionally, it provides energy that will help us carry out our activities. Do you know which food we are referring to? Of course! We are talking about the always versatile and delicious oatmeal. Whole grain oats provide nutrients that other cereals do not have. Simply adding 2 tablespoons of oats to your favorite smoothie increases the protein contribution by approximately 37%. Do you feel like starting the day with a delicious oatmeal drink? Try this apple and oatmeal smoothie. Whole grain oats also add fiber to your daily diet. By adding just about 15 g of oats to your breakfast, you can increase your fiber intake by up to 47%. By adding Quaker oats to your favorite pancakes, you will turn your breakfast into a super breakfast with this recipe. But the coolest thing about oatmeal is that it is so versatile that you can use it in drinks… Soy milk and oatmeal smoothie As well as in cookies or breads… Oatmeal and blueberry muffins Oatmeal soufflé with banana Or simply eat it as a no-cook cereal… Oatmeal with raspberries and coconut …or with cooking. Oatmeal with apples and honey You choose! Transform your traditional recipes into delicious breakfasts that provide you with fiber, protein, and Beta Q just by adding oats. It is worth mentioning that beta-glucan is a polysaccharide that is present in the form of soluble fiber; when it dissolves in the digestive tract, it creates a thick gel, comparable to wallpaper paste. Beta Q offers many benefits to your body. Read more: Benefits of beta-glucan No matter what you decide to eat, remember that you can transform your breakfasts into super breakfasts with Quaker Oats.