Tips and Advice

What Your Child Should Read According to Their Age

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:21:36.164179Z
  Source: We know that reading is a wonderful habit because, among other things, it reduces stress, improves sleep episodes, increases imagination capacity, enhances vocabulary, and helps delay destructive diseases like Alzheimer’s. However, if your goal is to instill this habit in your children and you don’t know where to start, we suggest the ideal types of books according to their age. According to the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation, an institution that has promoted reading among the youth for 30 years, these are the characteristics that books should have for each stage of your children's development. For children aged 3 to 5 years, books should contain illustrations because they not only make them more attractive, but they also facilitate comprehension and stimulate children's sensitivity. Additionally, they should consist of simple and rhythmic sentences, making songs play a fundamental role. For a 3-year-old child, an age where they can explain actions represented in illustrations and enjoy listening to stories, the following are recommended: Participatory books that allow the child to repeat a phrase, point to an object, or look for a character. Die-cut books that allow for manipulation and creative play. Informative books about basic concepts: colors, shapes, animals, among other topics. For 4-year-olds, an age where children are more active and show noticeable language development and socialization skills, the following are recommended: Books that address topics that can help them overcome their personal fears. Books with friendly characters that represent diverse personalities: mischievous, intelligent, gentle, and that inspire confidence. For 5-year-olds, children are already interested in written text, eager to learn new things, and begin to understand narrative and temporal sequences. Therefore, the following are recommended: Stories with more complex plots. Readings in different formats and more varied content: riddles, informative books. Between the ages of six and eight, it is best to offer books with stories of their interest. You know their interests better than anyone, so it shouldn’t be difficult to recognize the stories that will make them love reading. From the age of nine, children develop very diverse tastes, and adventure readings with characters they can identify with will attract their attention. If your child is already a teenager and, like any good teenager, likes to rebel, the best thing is not to recommend a book. The best option is to leave the book in a visible place and let them feel that it is their decision to take it and read it. Finally, it is essential that in addition to considering their age, you take into account their tastes and reading history, as there are children who at seven years old can read books recommended for older ages. Remember, reading is a fundamental habit in your child's personal growth. Make your best effort to make them enjoy it, but never turn it into an obligation. Children imitate everything they see, so it would be best if you also read regularly. Our recommendation: 1001 Children's Books to Read Before Growing Up by Quentin Blake gathers the best children's books of all time.