
Top 5: the best foods for when you're sick

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:16:48.141649Z
We all have our home remedies, but some are really effective while others are just placebos that we consume out of tradition. Here are five truly good dishes to help you shake off discomfort when you're sick.     Chicken Broth It's not just an old myth; any broth made from chicken or beef concentrate can help relieve that cold. Chicken broth, specifically, contains nutrients that clear the lungs, and at the same time, the temperature of the soup helps to unblock the respiratory cavities.   Recipe for Classic Chicken Broth   Hot Tea Hot drinks help soothe the throat and clear the nose. We specifically recommend green tea; it contains antioxidants that specifically aid the respiratory tract when consumed hot and freshly brewed. Recipe for Lemon Lemongrass Tea     Ice Pops There is much debate about cold food when you have a cold, and the reality is that cold doesn’t harm you as long as it contains vitamins that help. In this case, fruit ice pops, especially citrus ones, pack you full of natural nutrients while constantly hydrating you, something very important when it comes to curing a cold or cough. They are truly effective.   Recipe for Kiwi Ice Pops   Spicy Food Spicy foods can make your nose and eyes secrete some fluids, but they are also among the most effective natural decongestants. Eating chilies, wasabi, or horseradish to help relieve congestion symptoms really helps and provides immediate relief that no medicine achieves.   Recipe for Spicy Drunken Sauce   Citrus Fruits The reality is that there is no strong evidence that vitamin C helps get rid of colds or prevents them; it is a myth believed by many people that is still unproven. What is true is that that little white layer beneath the peel of citrus fruits contains flavonoids, which are among the greatest stimulants for the immune system that exist.   Recipe for Citrus Dressing     And you, what do you eat when you're sick?