Fall in love with the incredible flavor and seasoning of this juicy oven pork leg, as it is the perfect dish for your Christmas or New Year's dinner.Now you know, if Christmas Eve dinner is at your house, look no further and cook this marinated leg, as it is an easy option, since you just need to coat it with the marinade and bake it. To top it off, its flavor is so versatile that it can be paired with all kinds of sides like mashed potatoes, vegetables, salad, and more.Before getting to work, it is important to remember that the key to this juicy oven pork leg is to follow the recipe to the letter, as that will ensure the flavor and juiciness of this main dish.Remember that the pork leg is a great option if you don’t want to cook turkey or loin this Christmas, as it will also be a hit for leftovers since you can slice it and serve it in tortas or tacos. Are you excited to prepare this juicy oven pork leg?Plum LegShredded LegLeg in Pineapple Sauce