Take advantage of the leftovers or save it for January and prepare these turkey patties topped with a spicy and tasty green sauce. The best part is that with this turkey patties recipe, you can solve your daily menu in no time, as they will be ready in just 35 minutes. Pair with red rice, pot beans, or corn tortillas. Enjoy!Don't forget that this delicious dish combines the tenderness and flavor of turkey with a homemade green sauce that's finger-licking good, making the flavor combination simply perfect. Look no further, prepare these turkey patties with your Christmas dinner leftovers, and delight in a unique dish with a very Mexican touch.Did you know? Turkey is a bird that was domesticated by indigenous populations, who began consuming its meat centuries ago. Many years later, colonizers brought turkey to Europe and other parts of the world. A separate case is the United States, where turkey became very popular and is a must-have at Thanksgiving dinner.So if you're not sure what to do with the leftover turkey from dinner, look no further and prepare these turkey patties, as although they are served with green sauce, they can also be made with broth, red sauce, cactus, purslane, and much more. Are you ready to try them?Turkey Galantine