Wash the guavas, place them in boiling water. Leave them there for about 5 minutes, or until the skin starts to burst.
Boil the peels and cores of the 2 apples in 2 cups of water.
Dissolve 1/2 cup of water and 3 tablespoons of sugar in a saucepan.
When the contents of the saucepan have a syrup-like consistency, add 1/2 cup of the infusion of apple peels and cores.
Process the guavas in the blender, strain them, and place the obtained pulp on the heat.
Add the syrup to the guavas, mixing until it starts to boil, then add the remaining sugar while stirring for 5 minutes.
Add the lemon juice and keep on the heat. The mixture will be ready when moving it reveals the sides of the saucepan; at that moment, remove from the heat.
In a mold lined with wax paper, pour the mixture and let it rest for 24 hours.
Store in well-sealed containers.
Nutritional Information
* * Information per 100g serving, percentage of daily values based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
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