These tacos have been prepared for decades in my family. They are an excellent option for family gatherings as they yield quite a bit and are enjoyed by both children and adults.
1/2 lettuce, finely chopped, disinfected, and drained
Boil the potatoes with salt and onion. (A pressure cooker can be used).
Mash the still-hot potatoes.
While the potatoes boil, stir the two meats with salt and ground pepper.
Add the juice of the lemons. Let rest in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
Incorporate the cooled mashed potatoes into the meat.
With the tortillas still warm or lukewarm, fill the tacos with the potato and meat mixture. Fold them in half and let them cool for at least half an hour.
Heat enough Oléico oil in a deep pan.
Let the tacos drain on paper towels or butcher paper.
For the sauce, roast the tomatoes and mora chiles. Let the tomatoes cool; meanwhile, soak the chiles in warm water. Grind with garlic, onion, and salt.
Nutritional Information
* * Information per 100g serving, percentage of daily values based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Do you want to know what other nutrients this or other recipes have?