Shoulder Routine for Men

This routine is designed to be performed with minimal equipment, aimed at those who can exercise at home or have limited time. The equipment needed for this type of training includes bands, dumbbells, ankle weights, and body weight. This training program will consist of three stages divided into warm-up, central phase, and recovery phase. A preliminary warm-up of 5 minutes will be initiated. The central phase will consist of two blocks of 3 exercises, with four rounds each (sets), having a micro-pause at the end of each round of 90 to 120 seconds. A micro-pause of up to 10 seconds will also be taken during the transition from one exercise to another, and at the end of each block, a macro-pause of up to 3 minutes for recovery. The recovery phase will last approximately 10 minutes.

Step by Step

WARM-UP: will consist of performing jumping jacks at a moderate speed with the aim of adequately lubricating the joints and raising body temperature.CENTRAL PHASE (FIRST BLOCK): three exercises for the deltoid area will be performed, involving anterior, lateral, and posterior fibers.Front shoulder raises with dumbbells simultaneously, wrist in supination 15 repetitions
Lateral shoulder raises with dumbbells simultaneously, wrist in neutral position 15 repetitions
Standing transverse abductions with dumbbells, leaning forward (birds) 15 repetitions
CENTRAL PHASE (SECOND BLOCK): three exercises for the deltoid area will be performed, involving anterior, lateral, and posterior fibers.Shoulder press with dumbbell 15 repetitions
Shoulder press with band standing with feet together (holding the band with feet) 15 repetitions
One-arm transverse abduction with dumbbells, dumbbell facing down on horizontal bench 15 repetitions per armRECOVERY PHASE: will consist of stretching the muscle groups of the lower body as well as the upper body, each will be performed actively, meaning that muscle elongation will not be supported in any way, each stretch will last from 7 to 12 seconds.THIS TYPE OF TRAINING CAN BE PROGRESSED USING THE FOLLOWING VARIANTS: EXECUTION TIME, INCREASE IN REPETITIONS, WEIGHT OR RESISTANCE (IF USING BANDS), AS WELL AS DECREASE IN REST TIMES.