How to Toast Pumpkin Seeds

In Mexico, there is a delicious snack, very tasty toasted pumpkin seeds with a little salt, better known as pepitas. Here we teach you how to prepare them, so you no longer throw away the pumpkin seeds when you make pumpkin in syrup.

Step by Step

For this tip, you will need:
Remove the seeds from the pumpkin pulp. Place them in a colander.
For one minute, soak the seeds in water to make it easier to remove all the pulp from them.
Drain the seeds well and place them on a paper towel.
Place the paper towel on a plate and take it to the microwave. Heat the seeds for 20 seconds at maximum power. Repeat this step until the seeds are completely dry (letting them rest for a minute each time you put them in the microwave).
Pour the seeds into a pan and toast them over medium heat. Once they start to change color, add salt to taste.
Remove from heat and serve.