4 different ways to prepare fajitas

Fajitas are one of the traditional dishes of Tex-Mex cuisine, the delicious result of blending the gastronomy of two different cultures. Who can resist a succulent piece of grilled meat sliced into strips? We know you can't resist either, and that’s why we present to you 4 different ways to prepare fajitas that you can't miss.

Step by Step

Chicken Fajitas RecipeEnjoy the traditional chicken fajitas recipe and savor a dish that is low in calories and rich in protein, ready to share with the whole family.See recipe
Mini Beef Fajitas with Beans and MangoThese delicious mini fajitas are an ideal meal for the little ones. The flavor of the tender meat combined with beans and mango provides an exceptional taste.See recipe
Chicken Fajitas with Nopales in Pasilla SauceTry these very Mexican chicken fajitas with nopales drenched in an exquisite pasilla chili sauce that no one can resist.See recipe
Skirt Steak FajitasNothing beats juicy skirt steak fajitas to share with your loved ones. These fajitas are quick and easy to prepare, don’t miss out!See recipe