How to make poached eggs

The step-by-step guide on how to make poached eggs. This secret will teach you how to make poached eggs for recipes like Eggs Benedict or to healthily complement salads or meats.

Step by Step

To make poached eggs you need:
Place the egg in a small glass container; this will help you easily place it into the water where you will cook it.
Place a deep skillet with 10 cm of water over medium heat, add the white vinegar and salt. When bubbles start to appear in the water, reduce to low heat and keep the temperature warm without boiling.
With a spoon, create a whirlpool in the hot water by stirring. Slowly place the egg into the water as close to the surface as possible and allow it to cook for 4 minutes. The whirlpool will help the white wrap around the yolk.
Remove the egg with a slotted spoon and trim the excess egg (the tail) with the spoon against the skillet.
Place the egg on a plate with a paper towel to dry it well before using.
The poached egg should have a well-cooked white and a semi-cooked yolk; you can test this if the yolk runs semi-liquid when cut.