How to Make Prickly Pear Water

In Mexico, we have a delicious fruit from the nopal cactus, the prickly pear. It has a firm, juicy consistency and a lot of liquid. Peeling the fruit can be tricky since the skin is thick and has thorns. Here we show you a simple way to peel the prickly pear without getting pricked, and we also show you how to make a refreshing prickly pear water that you and your whole family will love.

Step by Step

Insert a fork into the prickly pear so you don't have to hold it with your hand while cutting (avoiding getting pricked). With a knife, cut off the ends of the fruit.
Change the fork's orientation to allow a cut along the skin of the fruit, avoiding cutting into the pulp.
With the knife, gradually detach the skin until it is completely removed.
Cut the prickly pear into slices so it blends faster.
Add the prickly pears and lime juice to the blender jar.
Add sugar.
Add water.
Blend. If you want the prickly pear water to be frappe-style, add some ice to the blender jar. If the prickly pear water is too thick or too sweet, add a little more water. To give it a spicy flavor, you can add chili powder.
You can strain the water to remove the seed pieces. Serve in a glass with lime slices and ice.