How to Cool Beer Quickly

Here are three tips that will help you cool beers quickly when those unexpected friends arrive. It’s a simple and very effective way to have some delicious, chilled beers ready.

Step by Step

For this tip, you will need: • 2 glass bottled beers • ½ cup of sea salt • ice • 2 paper towels • 4 popsicle molds • 1 cup of prepared tomato juice • 1 cup of lemon juice • 1 teaspoon of soy sauce • 1 teaspoon of chili powder • 1 teaspoon of salt
Tip 1: Place one beer inside a medium container, add ice and sea salt. Let it chill. The sea salt helps the ice stay frozen longer, which will cool your beers faster.
Tip 2: Wrap the beer bottle with paper towels, wet them, and put it in the freezer for 15 minutes. The paper towel will freeze quickly, allowing the temperature of the beer to drop and cool properly.
Tip 3: In a bowl, mix the tomato juice, lemon juice, soy sauce, chili powder, and salt. Stir well and pour the liquid into popsicle molds, freeze for 4 hours. To unmold, place the molds in a bowl of hot water (for about 40 seconds), once this time has passed, remove them from the liquid and carefully detach the plastic mold from the popsicle. Place the popsicle in a jar and add the beer.