How to properly thaw food

It is very common to keep some foods frozen; however, it is important to know how to thaw them, as doing it incorrectly could lead to loss of flavor, texture, or even spoilage. There are three ways to thaw food: in the refrigerator, in cold water, or in the microwave. Follow these tips that will help you know how to properly thaw food.

Step by Step

In the refrigerator: this involves taking the food out of the freezer and placing it in the refrigerator one day before consumption. It is one of the slowest but most effective methods, especially for any type of meat or fish.
Thawing with cold water: this is a faster method, but it requires greater attention and care, as the food must be well sealed and in waterproof packaging; otherwise, it could absorb water, losing flavor and texture. Place the food in a sealed bag and then submerge it in a container of cold water (never hot). Change the water every 30 minutes until it is thawed.
Thawing in the microwave: This is the easiest and fastest way; however, the food must be cooked immediately, as some areas may heat up or even cook. Food thawed this way cannot be refrozen unless it is cooked.