How many times does it happen that the lid of a jar is stuck and we can't open it? Or it's simply too tight and we find it difficult to access the contents. Try one of these 6 tips to know how to open a jar and you'll see that no lid can resist.
Tap the lid with a spoon or something heavy to dislodge any remnants of the contents from the edges so you can open it more easily.
Place one or more rubber bands around the lid, wrapping them several times, so that they are what you touch when turning and not the lid directly. This way, you can apply more pressure and your hands won't slip.
Put on the dishwashing gloves and try to open the jar; you can also try holding the jar with a towel, you'll see the difference.
Soak the jar for a moment in hot water so that the materials expand and you can open it more easily.
You can also insert the tip of a knife between the lid and the jar to break the vacuum seal.
Gently tap the jar at different points against a hard surface or with a spoon, even upside down.