How to make an Altar de Muertos

It is a tradition in Mexico to set up an Altar de Muertos during the month of October so that our deceased can come to visit us on November 2nd, follow this step-by-step guide and learn which elements you should integrate into your Altar de Muertos. The altar can have several levels, traditionally there are 2, representing heaven and earth. Each of these steps is covered with black fabric.

How to make an Altar de Muertos

Step by Step

Step 1
An altar must have the following elements:
Step 2
Photo of the deceased to whom the altar is dedicated, so that their soul can return on Día de Muertos.
Salt, which helps to purify the spirit.
Bread, which serves as food for the other souls that return during this day.
The deceased's favorite food and fruit, so they can enjoy it.
Papel picado, which adds joy to the celebration and represents the wind.
Candles, serve as a guide for this world, they can be purple and white, representing mourning and purity respectively.
Cempasúchil flowers, as their smell guides spirits in this world.
The deceased's favorite alcoholic drink or cigarettes, if they smoked.
Incense, a pre-Hispanic element that purifies the environment and energies.
On the bottom part or the first step, images of the saint to whom the deceased was devoted are placed.