Easy Pork Roast

Try this delicious pork roast with ancho chili adobo, which, while not a traditional recipe, is indeed a practical and easy one to cook. You only need dried chilies and orange juice for the adobo; its flavor is very rich and perfect for sharing with family.
  • 5 tomatoes, griddle-roasted
  • 1/4 onions, griddle-roasted
  • 5 ancho chiles, clean and hydrated in water
  • 1/2 cups orange juice
  • vegetable oil
  • 600 grams pork leg, USMEF®, in medium cubes
  • salt
  • pepper
20 mins
45 mins
  • Blend the tomato with the onion, the ancho chili, and the orange juice until you obtain a homogeneous sauce. Set aside.
  • In a saucepan with hot oil, fry the USMEF® pork leg until golden, pour in the sauce, season with salt and pepper; cover and cook for 35 minutes on low heat, stirring occasionally.
  • Serve hot and accompany with white rice.

Nutritional Information

* * Information per 100g serving, percentage of daily values based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
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