What are the differences in cooking oils

There are several types of cooking oils depending on the main ingredient: coconut, olive, avocado, canola, grape seed, etc. I'm sharing the differences between the various types of oils and which are the most suitable for cooking.

Step by Step

Soybean oil has a slightly strong flavor. It is ideal for baking and is low in cholesterol.
Avocado oil is an ideal cooking option. It differs from others in that it is extracted from a fruit and not from grains.This product is also antioxidant and contains many vitamins. It is good for frying, sautéing, marinating, for dressings, pastas, and meats.
Regular olive oil is more economical than extra virgin. It tolerates high temperatures well and is suitable for sautéing and baking pastas, meats, and soups.
Extra virgin olive oil should always be used cold; for marinating, in salads or dressings; never in the pan.
Canola oil has a light and neutral flavor. It is ideal for sautéing, baking, and making salad dressings.
Grape seed oil has a mild and light flavor, somewhat nutty. It is used for sautéing, frying, and in sauces or marinades.
Corn oil has a mild and light flavor. It is widely used for baking and frying.
Coconut oil is a functional and healthy food. You can use it as a healthy substitute for butter and margarine, as well as for making sweets and candies.
Peanut oil has a distinct flavor and aroma, making it a great option to enhance the flavors of Asian dishes.
With this information, it will surely be easier for you to know which oil to choose for your dishes.