At Kiwilimon, we bring you a fish ceviche: Mexican recipe, as although Peruvian ceviche is delicious, it is also valid to make simpler versions with a spicy touch.
If you want to try the best of the Mexican coasts in a single dish, look no further and prepare this fish ceviche Mexican style, as it is a recipe that highlights the freshness and quality of ingredients as Mexican as tomato and jalapeño pepper.
And if you are worried about calories, there is no excuse not to try this ceviche, as it is made with fresh and low-calorie ingredients such as fresh fish, lime juice, tomato, onion, cilantro, and peppers. To top it off, all these ingredients are natural and rich in different vitamins and minerals.
Enjoy this fish ceviche: Mexican recipe and leave everyone speechless, as they will fall in love with the freshness and flavor of the ingredients. Serve with tostadas, avocado slices, and sauce!