4 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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water, for the nopales
1 teaspoon salt, for the nopales
1/2 teaspoons baking soda, for the nopales
10 nopales
4 tomatoes, for the sauce
1/4 onions, for the sauce
1 clove garlic, for the sauce
3 allspice berries, for the sauce
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 cup onion, finely chopped
2 tablespoons garlic, finely chopped
500 grams ground beef
pinches salt
1/2 cups potato, in cubes
1/2 cups carrot, in cubes
1/2 cups chayote, in cubes
1/2 cups pumpkin, in cubes
1 leaf bay
1 teaspoon oregano
1/2 cups peas, precooked
white rice, to accompany
0 water, for the nopales
0.22 onzas salt, for the nopales
0.08 onzas baking soda, for the nopales
10 nopales
4 tomatoes, for the sauce
0.25 onions, for the sauce
1 clove garlic, for the sauce
3 allspice berries, for the sauce
0.51 onzas líquidas vegetable oil
8.38 onzas onion, finely chopped
1.59 onzas garlic, finely chopped
1.1 libras ground beef
0 pinches salt
0 pepper
3.26 onzas potato, in cubes
2.38 onzas carrot, in cubes
4.14 onzas chayote, in cubes
2.29 onzas pumpkin, in cubes
1 leaf bay
0.04 onzas oregano
2.69 onzas peas, precooked
0 white rice, to accompany
0 water, for the nopales
1 teaspoon salt, for the nopales
0.5 teaspoons baking soda, for the nopales
10 nopales
4 tomatoes, for the sauce
0.25 onions, for the sauce
1 clove garlic, for the sauce
3 allspice berries, for the sauce
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 cup onion, finely chopped
2 tablespoons garlic, finely chopped
2 tazas ground beef
0 pinches salt
0 pepper
0.5 cups potato, in cubes
0.5 cups carrot, in cubes
0.5 cups chayote, in cubes
0.5 cups pumpkin, in cubes
1 leaf bay
1 teaspoon oregano
0.5 cups peas, precooked
0 white rice, to accompany
0 water, for the nopales
6.15 gramos salt, for the nopales
2.33 gramos baking soda, for the nopales
10 nopales
4 tomatoes, for the sauce
0.25 onions, for the sauce
1 clove garlic, for the sauce
3 allspice berries, for the sauce
1.5 centilitros vegetable oil
237.5 gramos onion, finely chopped
45 gramos garlic, finely chopped
500 grams ground beef
0 pinches salt
0 pepper
92.5 gramos potato, in cubes
67.5 gramos carrot, in cubes
117.5 gramos chayote, in cubes
65 gramos pumpkin, in cubes
1 leaf bay
1 gramo oregano
76.25 gramos peas, precooked
0 white rice, to accompany