For thousands of years, traditional medicine has emphasized the properties of plants and flowers for the treatment of all kinds of ailments and conditions; however, their efficacy has not always been confirmed by scientists.
In December 2021,
Purdue University published a statement informing that a group of specialists found compounds that prevent cancer in two herbs that are essential in the kitchen:
oregano and
thyme. Here we tell you everything you need to know about this important discovery!
Oregano and Thyme Against Cancer
According to the press release issued by the American university, “thyme and oregano contain a
anti-cancer compound that combats the development of tumors,” however, it clarifies that “adding more herbs to your tomato sauce is not enough to gain significant benefits.”
So how can you enjoy the properties of these two herbs? Experts point out that “the key to unlocking the power of these plants lies in amplifying the amount of compounds created or synthesizing the compounds for the development of medicines.”
You can also read: Myths and Realities of Oregano TeaNatalia Dudareva, a biochemistry professor at Purdue University, commented that “these plants contain important compounds, but the amount is very small and extraction will not be sufficient,” however, although oregano or thyme tea may not prevent cancer, these herbs could be used in new medicines and treatments against this disease.
“By understanding how these compounds are formed, we open the way for engineering plants with higher levels or for synthesizing compounds in microorganisms for medical uses,” Dudareva added.
Furthermore, the study also confirmed that oregano and thyme have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, making them an excellent option for your stews, but also for your health.
The Benefits of Oregano and Thyme Tea
Although drinking tea from these aromatic herbs does not prevent
cancer, as they will rather be used to extract their compounds and produce new medications, these two herbs have many other health benefits.
You can also read: Spices and Aromatic Herbs Can Help Lower Blood PressureThe Benefits of Oregano
Oregano not only adds an extra touch of flavor to our sauces and stews, but it also has health benefits, here we tell you what they are.
A herb rich in antioxidants It seems that oregano is rich in
antioxidants, which would help combat the effects caused by free radicals, a type of molecule that causes diseases like cancer.
Antibacterial and antiviral properties Experts point out that oregano contains oils that prevent the proliferation of
harmful bacteria and viruses for health.
You can also read: 6 Home Remedies to Relieve Cough SymptomsThe Benefits of Thyme
According to experts, this aromatic herb is very healthy and has incredible properties that will help you take care of your health. It is worth mentioning that this plant is rich in vitamin C and potassium.
On the other hand, the portal
WebMD mentions that consuming or drinking thyme tea could reduce inflammation in the body, while also helping to relieve cough and reduce nasal congestion.