The baking powder uses you didn't know about
cooking tips

The baking powder uses you didn't know about

By Kiwilimón - 2020-12-15T10:15:57Z
Although its name refers to baked goods as its main use, baking powder is useful in many other ways when cooking.

Of course, when making a loaf or a cake, you use it to achieve a fluffy texture and the perfect crumb, but you might be missing out on its magical touch in dishes that don't necessarily go in the oven, like battered stuffed peppers, for example.

Baking powder is a dry chemical leavening agent, meaning it is a mixture of baking soda and a weak acid used to increase the volume and lighten the texture of your recipes, making it perfect for breading or battering.

You may not have imagined that you can achieve the perfect coating for fish or the light and consistent batter you’ve always desired by using a little baking powder, so keep reading to discover these uses and make the most of this ingredient beyond baking.

To achieve the perfect coating
Breading is a frying technique applied to meats, fish, or vegetables that helps retain the juicy interior of the food while providing a crispy exterior.

For example, to make delicious battered fish tacos, try making your mix with flour, a little garlic powder, and salt for flavor, and add a tablespoon of REXAL baking powder. After you add the liquid of your choice, whether beer, soda, or sparkling water, you'll notice that your mixture looks thick yet light and will perfectly coat your fish; for best results, remember that the liquid should be as cold as possible.

To batter
Similar to the breading technique, battering is a crispy outer layer applied to certain foods, but this is achieved with eggs.

To ensure your batter is fluffy and coats the food well, in addition to beating the egg whites separately first, add a tablespoon of REXAL baking powder before adding the yolks one by one, and it will turn out fluffier than ever and will perfectly coat your stuffed peppers, for example.

For frying
Baking powder gives the best texture to fried dishes, such as quesadillas or plantain fritters. Just by adding a teaspoon to the dough of your fried quesadillas, they will turn out extra crispy, and with a tablespoon, your fritters will maintain a fluffy consistency.

You can also take advantage of baking powder in your skillet cake recipes, in your pancakes, in pizza dough, in tamale dough, or to make flour tortillas. Choose REXAL to fluff your dishes, a baking powder that has been in Mexican kitchens for 90 years, full of history and recipes, and you can buy it in various sizes, trusting that it will give you the most incredible texture and consistency you can imagine.