This Condensed Milk Gelatin with Walnut is an easy dessert recipe to prepare. There’s nothing better than a soft and fluffy gelatin made with condensed milk, evaporated milk, toasted walnut, and a delicate touch of cinnamon that makes it delicious. Drizzled with cajeta and pieces of walnuts, this gelatin will become your favorite dessert recipe.
For this Condensed Milk Gelatin with Walnut, you don’t have to worry about where to buy walnuts; you can add the dried fruit of your choice. It’s a rich and economical dessert that provides protein thanks to the collagen used in its preparation. In case you didn’t know, walnuts are dried fruits rich in fatty acids and plant-based Omega-3, they prevent cardiovascular diseases, contain healthy fats, and are filling; making them a good option for daily consumption.
Decorate with cajeta in the center and sprinkle with chopped walnut.
To make the gelatin fluffy and softer, blend it for a few minutes; this will incorporate air into the mixture and form air bubbles, making it fluffier when it sets.
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Lucrecia Mendez
2021-12-03 20:30:01.810904 +0000 +0000
Hice media receta y tuve que agregar toda la lata de leche evaporada (339.9 ml) porque no había manera de que la licuadora licuara, casi la quemo, demasiado espesa la mezcla!! Tuve que terminar mezclando todo con el mixer para poder meter aire ya después de agregar toda la lata de evaporada…
Quedó soberbia! me parece una mezcla entre gelatina y mousse.
Me extraña que las dos recetas de postre que he hecho de ustedes he tenido problemas en la elaboración…
Veronica Martinez
2021-11-10 22:57:03.985358 +0000 +0000
What did I do wrong? The gelatin came out very dense. Can I do something to fix it?
Margla Cordero
2020-12-20 14:34:54 +0000 +0000
riquisimaaaa 20
Aurora Cecilia Martinez Perez
2020-02-28 10:51:51 +0000 +0000
En qué cantidad de agua se pone la grenetina a hidratar?
Jordi David Londoño Orozco
2019-11-12 23:24:08 +0000 +0000
Súper deliciosa!!!
Gabriel Agudelo López
2019-11-12 19:11:57 +0000 +0000
que pena la ignorancia, pero la gelatina que se debe usar para esta receta, es gelatina sin sabor?
Diana Alejandra Campos Arizmendi
2019-09-14 04:33:15 +0000 +0000
Yo además le puse queso crema y queda riquísima 🤤 Quiero más!!!
Claudia Sanchez
2019-09-06 16:52:56 +0000 +0000
2019-09-01 14:54:59 +0000 +0000
Para substituir por splenda. Cuantos sobres se necesitan?