4 Servings
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4 banana leaves
2 guajillo chiles, for the sauce clean, hydrated
2 ancho chiles, for the sauce clean, hydrated
1 morita chile, for the sauce clean, hydrated
1 chipotle chile, for the sauce clean, hydrated
1/4 cups orange juice, for the sauce
1/4 onions, for the sauce
1 clove garlic, for the sauce
1/2 teaspoons cilantro seeds, for the sauce
3 allspice berries, for the sauce
salt, for the sauce
1/2 teaspoons cumin, for the sauce
leaves hoja santa
4 fish fillets
1 red onion
1 Habanero chile
2 tablespoons white vinegar
1 tablespoon oregano
4 banana leaves
2 guajillo chiles, for the sauce clean, hydrated
2 ancho chiles, for the sauce clean, hydrated
1 morita chile, for the sauce clean, hydrated
1 chipotle chile, for the sauce clean, hydrated
2.11 onzas líquidas orange juice, for the sauce
0.25 onions, for the sauce
1 clove garlic, for the sauce
0.03 onzas cilantro seeds, for the sauce
3 allspice berries, for the sauce
0 salt, for the sauce
0.04 onzas cumin, for the sauce
0 leaves hoja santa
4 fish fillets
1 red onion
1 Habanero chile
1.01 onzas líquidas white vinegar
0.11 onzas oregano
0 salt
0 pepper
4 banana leaves
2 guajillo chiles, for the sauce clean, hydrated
2 ancho chiles, for the sauce clean, hydrated
1 morita chile, for the sauce clean, hydrated
1 chipotle chile, for the sauce clean, hydrated
0.25 cups orange juice, for the sauce
0.25 onions, for the sauce
1 clove garlic, for the sauce
0.5 teaspoons cilantro seeds, for the sauce
3 allspice berries, for the sauce
0 salt, for the sauce
0.5 teaspoons cumin, for the sauce
0 leaves hoja santa
4 fish fillets
1 red onion
1 Habanero chile
2 tablespoons white vinegar
1 tablespoon oregano
0 salt
0 pepper
4 banana leaves
2 guajillo chiles, for the sauce clean, hydrated
2 ancho chiles, for the sauce clean, hydrated
1 morita chile, for the sauce clean, hydrated
1 chipotle chile, for the sauce clean, hydrated
6.25 centilitros orange juice, for the sauce
0.25 onions, for the sauce
1 clove garlic, for the sauce
0.85 gramos cilantro seeds, for the sauce
3 allspice berries, for the sauce
0 salt, for the sauce
1.02 gramos cumin, for the sauce
0 leaves hoja santa
4 fish fillets
1 red onion
1 Habanero chile
3 centilitros white vinegar
3 gramos oregano
0 salt
0 pepper