Prepare this delicious Tuna Ring with Pico de Gallo, an easy and tasty snack recipe. You can choose to use tuna in oil or tuna in water, it will be delicious either way. The best part is that it will take you less time than you think to prepare it, as it is a very quick recipe.
The ingredients for this Tuna Ring with Pico de Gallo make it a healthy snack.
Serve with the pico de gallo and garnish with fresh cilantro leaves arranged like petals.
Refrigerate the cheese after forming the ring to make it more consistent.
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Pierina Guillen
2019-07-29 01:51:34 +0000 +0000
He preparado mezcla similar antes, sin atún, y el problema con que me topo es que la salsa resume líquido y supongo el atún también lo hará; esto dificulta compactarse a la mezcla total, como podría evitarlo,?