4 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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water, hot
1/2 cabbages
2 tablespoons sesame oil, for the filling
1/2 cups red onion, in strips for the filling
1 cup red bell pepper, in strips for the filling
1 cup carrot, in strips for the filling
1 cup pumpkin, in strips for the filling
1 1/2 cups chicken fajitas, for the filling
1 teaspoon paprika, for the filling
1 tablespoon chile flakes, for the filling
1/4 cups cilantro, finely chopped for the filling
salt, for the filling
pepper, for the filling
chives, to tie the cabbage hydrated in hot water
cherry tomatoes, colorful for garnish
0 water, hot
0.5 cabbages
1.01 onzas líquidas sesame oil, for the filling
2.12 onzas red onion, in strips for the filling
5.56 onzas red bell pepper, in strips for the filling
4.76 onzas carrot, in strips for the filling
4.59 onzas pumpkin, in strips for the filling
7.8 onzas chicken fajitas, for the filling
0.08 onzas paprika, for the filling
0.24 onzas chile flakes, for the filling
0.15 onzas cilantro, finely chopped for the filling
0 salt, for the filling
0 pepper, for the filling
0 chives, to tie the cabbage hydrated in hot water
0 cherry tomatoes, colorful for garnish
0 water, hot
0.5 cabbages
2 tablespoons sesame oil, for the filling
0.5 cups red onion, in strips for the filling
1 cup red bell pepper, in strips for the filling
1 cup carrot, in strips for the filling
1 cup pumpkin, in strips for the filling
1.5 cups chicken fajitas, for the filling
1 teaspoon paprika, for the filling
1 tablespoon chile flakes, for the filling
0.25 cups cilantro, finely chopped for the filling
0 salt, for the filling
0 pepper, for the filling
0 chives, to tie the cabbage hydrated in hot water
0 cherry tomatoes, colorful for garnish
0 water, hot
0.5 cabbages
3 centilitros sesame oil, for the filling
60 gramos red onion, in strips for the filling
157.5 gramos red bell pepper, in strips for the filling
135 gramos carrot, in strips for the filling
130 gramos pumpkin, in strips for the filling
221.25 gramos chicken fajitas, for the filling
2.3 gramos paprika, for the filling
6.9 gramos chile flakes, for the filling
4.38 gramos cilantro, finely chopped for the filling
0 salt, for the filling
0 pepper, for the filling
0 chives, to tie the cabbage hydrated in hot water
0 cherry tomatoes, colorful for garnish