12 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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4 cups flour, for the dough
1 cup vegetable shortening, for the dough
1 cup butter, for the dough
3/4 cups water, cold, for the dough
1 teaspoon salt, for the dough
vegetable oil, for the filling
1/2 cups onion, for the filling
1/4 cups cuaresmeño chile, for the filling
1 cup chorizo, for the filling
1 cup refried beans, for the filling
egg, for brushing
green rajas, for accompaniment
1.1 libras flour, for the dough
7.67 onzas vegetable shortening, for the dough
8.47 onzas butter, for the dough
6.33 onzas líquidas water, cold, for the dough
0.22 onzas salt, for the dough
0 vegetable oil, for the filling
4.19 onzas onion, for the filling
0.84 onzas cuaresmeño chile, for the filling
5.2 onzas chorizo, for the filling
8.91 onzas refried beans, for the filling
0 egg, for brushing
0 green rajas, for accompaniment
4 cups flour, for the dough
1 cup vegetable shortening, for the dough
1 cup butter, for the dough
0.75 cups water, cold, for the dough
1 teaspoon salt, for the dough
0 vegetable oil, for the filling
0.5 cups onion, for the filling
0.25 cups cuaresmeño chile, for the filling
1 cup chorizo, for the filling
1 cup refried beans, for the filling
0 egg, for brushing
0 green rajas, for accompaniment
500 gramos flour, for the dough
217.5 gramos vegetable shortening, for the dough
240 gramos butter, for the dough
18.75 centilitros water, cold, for the dough
6.15 gramos salt, for the dough
0 vegetable oil, for the filling
118.75 gramos onion, for the filling
23.75 gramos cuaresmeño chile, for the filling
147.5 gramos chorizo, for the filling
252.5 gramos refried beans, for the filling
0 egg, for brushing
0 green rajas, for accompaniment