Prepare these delicious Plantain Quesadillas with Mole. For this recipe, you will need a tortilla machine or press, as the tortillas are made with plantain and corn dough. This Mexican snack is recommended to be accompanied with mole, as it adds a spicy touch and the combination of flavors is perfect.
For these Plantain Quesadillas with Mole, it is essential that the plantain is ripe, so you can make the puree for the dough. Enjoy this tasty Mexican recipe.
On a mirror of mole, decorated with cream, cheese, and oregano.
Due to the sugar content of the plantain, the dough may stick a little, grease your hands to handle it well.
Cook the mole over low heat, stirring constantly to prevent it from sticking.
Completely remove the broth from the cooked beans so that when cooking them, they don't splatter due to the reaction with the oil.
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