
Cares for You

If you want to live longer, this is what you should eat
Cares for You

If you want to live longer, this is what you should eat

By Gretel Morales - 2023-02-22T19:15:48Z
When we think of a healthy and balanced diet, we often envision boring and tasteless dishes, bland salads, flavorless chicken breasts, and an endless array of unappetizing options.

On the other hand, healthy eating can also lead us down another path: organic ingredients that are not so accessible, all kinds of strange and new superfoods, gluten-free or vegan options with exorbitant prices.

However, the reality is that eating well can be cheap, practical, and delicious. On one hand, there are platforms like kiwilimón, where we set out to create the Te Cuida section, an amazing space where we share the best keto recipes, suitable for people with diabetes, fat-free, vegetarian, and even fasting challenges and more. On the other hand, health experts are always looking for new ways to take care of health, so this time we’re talking about a new scientific study that indicates certain foods can help you live longer, take note!

You can also read: 4 benefits of Mediterranean cuisine

What to eat to live longer?
A study published in January 2023 indicates that it is possible to reduce your mortality risk by up to 20% by consuming various ingredients included in at least four different dietary patterns.

According to the CNN portal, this study explains that people who follow a healthier diet are also less likely to die from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and respiratory or neurodegenerative conditions.

It is worth noting that the study's results explain that there is no single balanced and nutritious diet, but rather there are different ways to eat well and enjoy the benefits.

The foods included in the 4 types of diets are:
  • Whole grains
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Legumes

The four diets that were part of the study are:
  1. Healthy Eating Index 2015 (HEI-2015)
  2. Alternative Mediterranean Diet (AMED)
  3. Plant-Based Healthy Eating Index (HPDI)
  4. Alternative Healthy Eating Index (AHEI)
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Although all the above diets have a common denominator, as they include the consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and nuts, some also include animal products, while others do not. Additionally, this also means that people do not have to follow a fixed eating pattern, but can experiment in the kitchen and mix the aforementioned ingredients to enjoy all kinds of light and very nutritious dishes.

In an interview with the news portal, Dr. Frank Hu, who participated in the research, stated that “it’s never too late to adopt healthy eating patterns and the benefits of eating healthily can be significant in terms of reducing premature death and various causes of premature death.”

For its part, the portal Medical News Today explains that the study's results do not "indicate that a plant-based diet or a diet that includes animal products offers greater benefits"; in other words, the results suggest that these 4 diets, which vary slightly from each other, are quite healthy and none is significantly better than the other, as the advantages are similar.

However, in an interview with a health professional, the health-focused portal highlights that “diets rich in red meats and processed meats are associated with different types of cancer, so it might be a good idea to limit red meat and consider eliminating processed meats.” However, it also points out that there is still “no convincing study showing that including lean meat in the diet increases mortality.”

So the best thing will be to eat more foods rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, while the consumption of fish and meat should be moderate, depending on what your primary care physician advises.

You can also read: Everything you need to know about the MIND diet