
Cares for You

What are the benefits of eating nopal?
Cares for You

What are the benefits of eating nopal?

By Adriana sanchez - 2022-04-28T10:06:16Z
Nopal is a Mexican plant that many consider sacred because, in addition to being a delicious food that is part of our daily life, it has powerful nutritional and medicinal properties that you should take advantage of. Discover the health benefits of nopales!

Properties of nopales

Nopales have important healing, hydrating, and preventive properties, mainly due to their high content of Vitamin A, B complex, and C, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and iron, as well as a large amount of fiber that your stomach will appreciate.

What are the benefits of nopal?

Thanks to all these incredible properties, it is not surprising that nopales are a quite effective food for healing and preventing some diseases and caring for some organs in our system, as you will see below.
  • They help control cholesterol because they are a rich source of amino acids, fiber, and niacin.
  • They stimulate the digestive system, improving issues like gastritis, ulcers, and controlling excess gastric acids.
  • By reducing blood sugar concentration, nopal improves liver health and, according to the Traditional Mexican Medicine of UNAM, helps prevent and treat diabetes.
  • It also helps combat obesity due to the feeling of fullness produced by nopal's fiber.
  • They prevent dehydration, as the Secretariat of Rural Development and Equity for Communities reported that nopales contain large amounts of water that keep us hydrated.
  • It protects the cells of the nervous system as it contains nicotiflorine, a substance that protects and reduces inflammation in neuronal cells, decreasing the risk of dementia.
  • It acts as an antiviral and protects against some diseases, such as the herpes simplex virus.

How to consume nopales?

You can use nopal to prepare breakfasts, salads, stews, and even drink it in juices and smoothies.