Kiwilimón - 2018-10-08T17:08:42.378783Z
For those of us immersed in the world of gastronomy, tasting food is not enough; we want to cook it and learn more about it.
There is a lot of information we do not know about cooking, interesting facts related to its origin, nutrition, and benefits. Today we gathered 12 of the most curious ones so you can learn more about what you love to eat.
1.- In the wild, hens produce 15 eggs a year. In contrast, a domesticated hen can produce between 250 and 300 eggs in the same cycle.
2.- We humans are very sensitive to capsaicin, the substance that causes the spiciness of chili peppers. In contrast, birds do not have the ability to detect this substance, so they can eat and distribute the seeds of these spicy vegetables without any problem.
3.- 30% of the food produced on Earth is wasted. In fact, if it were distributed evenly, world hunger could be eradicated, but that is not the case.
4.- In Japan, they have made the effort to create square watermelons by placing them in a cubic container during their growth. When sold, they are much more expensive than normal ones because they are easier to cut and store in the refrigerator.
5.- The fat contained in avocados makes them an excellent substitute for butter, not to mention that they are much healthier.
6.- While oranges have a lot of vitamin C, they are not your best ally against winter colds. Parsley, red bell pepper, broccoli, or papaya contain more vitamin C than citrus fruits.
7.- It is known that fruits and vegetables lose nutrients the more they are cooked, so they are healthier raw. However, tomatoes increase their nutritional value when baked, fried, etc.
8.- Caffeine is not only found in coffee; in fact, if you want a boost of energy without losing sleep, then consume dark chocolate.
9.- Now, if you are looking to sleep, remember that there are ingredients that contain tryptophan, which helps you fall asleep. These can be dairy products like yogurt and milk or whole grains like rice, oats, and wheat.
10.- If you crave strawberries, remember not to cut them and instead eat them whole. Once cut, the oxidation process begins, gradually causing them to lose their nutrients.
11.- It may sound strange, but many people confuse hunger with thirst, so it is recommended to drink a glass of water every time you are going to eat to avoid overeating.
12.- Eating slowly not only helps with better digestion but also allows you to relax and know when to stop, as the signal sent from the brain that you are full takes time to reach the body.