
cooking tips

Simple steps to remove grease from a stove
cooking tips

Simple steps to remove grease from a stove

By Kiwilimón - 2019-04-02T16:42:11.317769Z

It doesn’t matter if you are a novice or an expert in the kitchen, the accumulation of grease and dirt will always be your enemy. But don’t worry. Removing grease is easier than you think. Discover how simple it is to keep your entire kitchen sparkling with these easy steps.

What is grease?

Grease is a layer of fat and dirt that forms on the surface of the stove, pans, pots, and cabinet doors. Sometimes it has a slightly sticky texture, but when it has been there for a long time, it can be tougher.

How to remove grease from the stove?

To clean the kitchen properly, you must remember that the dirt in this area is primarily composed of grease, so you need products that help cut through it. In the case of grease, which is fat accumulated over a long time, it is necessary to use slightly stronger methods. Initially, regular dish soap can help remove the
grease, but if too much time has passed, you’ll need to resort to other techniques.

  • Soaking and soap: Heat some water and then add soap (it can be
    dish soap). With a sponge, distribute the mixture over the entire stove and let it sit for a few minutes. If the grease is not very stuck, you’ll just need to scrub with the same sponge you usually use.
  • Vinegar and baking soda: A very effective mixture to cut through grease is vinegar with baking soda. Make a paste with these two ingredients and, with the help of a cloth, spread it over the surface you want to clean. Wait about 15 minutes and then scrub with a sponge and hot water.
  • Metal sponge: We advise you to use a metal sponge only when the grease is very stuck on materials that cannot be scratched. Soak the dirty surface with hot water and detergent or baking soda, and then scrub vigorously with the sponge. Note: do not use this remedy on stainless steel or on porcelain or non-stick pans.
  • Ammonia: Ammonia is a very powerful acid that helps cut through grease easily, but you must be very careful when using it. First, you should only add a few drops diluted in water to clean the kitchen, and you need to rinse everything very well before using it again.

How to prevent grease from accumulating in the kitchen?

The easiest way to prevent grease from building up in your kitchen is immediate cleaning. So we recommend that after cooking, always clean the stove with a degreasing product. Also, if you know you’re going to make a mess (for example, when frying), put down napkins or aluminum foil to prevent oil from splattering around the kitchen. Don’t forget to clean the doors and the top of the kitchen cabinets as well. A lot of grease accumulates there, even if it’s not very obvious.

Now that your kitchen will be shinier than ever, prepare these delicious recipes: 

Bacalao Carnitas

Easy Shrimp Empanadas

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Tamale Cake with Bean Sauce