
Curious Facts

6 foods for New Year's rituals
Curious Facts

6 foods for New Year's rituals

By Adriana sanchez - 2020-12-29T17:29:32Z
The end of the year is approaching, and there’s no better way to welcome 2021 than with food rituals to attract love, fortune, and abundance. Therefore, we have prepared a list of favorite foods within popular beliefs to attract good energy, with the best flavor, of course. Don’t miss these 6 essential foods for New Year's rituals!

Lentils for abundance

Within New Year's rituals, lentils are used to attract abundance and prosperity in the days to come. Therefore, lentil soup must be present at your New Year's Eve dinner, like the one we have here.

Basil for love

Some people believe that basil leaves attract love, which is why they place a handful of leaves under their pillow to be shown their true love in dreams, or on the other hand, they prepare dishes with this plant, as you can see in these amazing options.
Grapes for the 12 wishes

Perhaps the most well-known New Year's ritual is the traditional grapes. It is customary to eat 12 grapes during the last 12 bell chimes at midnight, and with each grape, you can make a different wish for the coming year. However, if you want to eat grapes in another way, this gelatin won’t disappoint you.

Lemons to ward off bad vibes

Another must-do ritual to welcome the New Year is to cut lemons into quarters and place them in the corners of your home to ward off bad vibes and protect your family.

Sugar for peace and harmony

Some believe that washing your hands with sugar and champagne helps to ward off problems and difficulties throughout the year, thus attracting peace and harmony.

Cider, wine, or champagne for fortune

Another New Year's ritual consists of clinking glasses as high as possible and toasting with champagne, sparkling wine, or cider, jumping three times on your right foot, and waiting for fortune to fall into your cup.

How many New Year's rituals are you going to perform to welcome 2021?