
Curious Facts

Why Can’t We Eat Acitrón in Roscas de Reyes Anymore?
Curious Facts

Why Can’t We Eat Acitrón in Roscas de Reyes Anymore?

By Adriana sanchez - 2021-01-06T17:04:19Z
The Roscas de Reyes are a Mexican bread that is shared among family on January 6th. Usually, the roscas are decorated with vanilla crust, figs, candied fruit, ate, and until recently, acitrón. However, this is no longer possible, so we will explain why we can’t add acitrón to the Roscas de Reyes anymore.

What is Acitrón?

Before we can explain this prohibition, it is necessary for you to know what acitrón is and where it comes from. This Mexican sweet is made with the pulp of biznaga, a type of cactus that grows in arid areas like Sonora and Chihuahua.

The pulp of biznaga is peeled and coated with a syrup until it reaches 70% sugar, replacing the juice of the plant, and is later cut into small pieces to be distributed in the market. The problem is that biznagas take between 14 and 40 years to grow, so producing them is not as easy as it seems.

Why Can’t We Eat Acitrón in Roscas de Reyes Anymore?

For this specific reason, in 2005, the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries, and Food (now SADER) classified biznagas as protected species, thus limiting the exploitation of these edible plants, although many continue to cut them illegally.

That is why we must avoid buying roscas that contain acitrón, which is not difficult at all, as there are currently dozens of different options to enjoy a delicious rosca that does not harm the existence of other living beings.

If you don’t know where to buy your Rosca de Reyes, HERE we provide some extraordinary rosca options that you can't miss.