The cat is a feline with which we have had a great friendship for over 12,000 years and they have even become deities, like in Egyptian culture. Our love for cats is so strong that we have designated at least 3 dates to celebrate them.
So if you have a kitty at home, you can celebrate it 3 times a year: February 20, August 8, and October 19. It is worth mentioning that each of these dates has a reason for being, let us tell you the story!
On February 20, the International Cat Day is celebrated in honor of Socks, the cat of Bill Clinton, who was President of the United States from 1993 to 2001. This kitty was so charismatic that he won the hearts of millions. When he passed away on February 20, 2009, his fans decided to celebrate International Cat Day in honor of the famous Socks.
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As for August 8, this date is celebrated thanks to the International Fund for Animal Welfare, an organization that aimed to raise awareness about cats, one of the most popular pets worldwide.
Meanwhile, in the case of October 19, this date was established thanks to Colleen Paige, who is a rescuer and expert in caring for kitties. So you have 3 opportunities to pamper your cat every year, take advantage of them!
Cats, just like other pets, are great companions and also part of the family, so we decided to create this fun and colorful sandwich to celebrate International Cat Day, let’s get to work!
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It doesn’t matter if you are the cat lady or just want to prepare more fun recipes for your kids, this kitty sandwich is your best option, as it is made with less than 10 ingredients, it will be a total hit!
1 cup of strawberries, sliced
1 cup of heavy cream
1/2 cup of cream cheese
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
2 slices of bread
Chocolate syrup
Pink frosting
1. Mix the whipped cream, cream cheese, vanilla, and cinnamon with a whisk or hand mixer. Place in a piping bag and refrigerate for 15 minutes.
2. Use a cat-shaped cookie cutter to cut the bread, but if you don’t have one, you can print an image of a cat and use it as a guide to cut your sandwich bread. Set aside.
3. To assemble the kitty sandwich: take one slice of bread, add a layer of strawberries, and add the whipped cream, forming circles on top of the strawberries. Cover with the other slice of bread and set aside.
4. To decorate the kitty sandwich: place the chocolate syrup in a piping bag and cut the tip. Use the syrup to draw the eyes, mouth, and whiskers of the cat. Use the pink frosting to give the kitty some cheeks, and you’re done, enjoy!
If you don’t have strawberries at home, don’t worry, you can substitute them with seasonal fruit or whatever you have at home, it will taste just as good!
Get creative with your sandwiches and lunches and prepare fun, colorful, and fruity recipes with our quality seal.
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