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Beauty Tips

Drinking alcohol causes cellulite
Beauty Tips

Drinking alcohol causes cellulite

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:16:13.501757Z
It is true that cellulite does not disappear completely, but there are certain products we can stop consuming to prevent it from appearing or spreading. Our friends at share this information with us,


Alcohol is one of these. While it is not a direct cause of this problem, it does cause vasoconstriction (constriction of blood vessels by small muscles in their walls) in the skin, which clearly aggravates the situation.  

What causes cellulite?

  According to dermatologist Patricia Cerda, the most certain cause is hormonal and genetic: "It is not only the inheritance from our ancestors, but also the hormonal load in the products we consume daily."   How does alcohol affect? Alcoholic beverages promote the accumulation and retention of fluids, which manifests as swelling of the legs that appears as orange peel skin.   Excessive drinking of this substance causes an increase in fatty acid levels, which translates into fat deposits in various areas of the body: legs, arms, abdomen, and buttocks.   Additionally, alcohol when metabolized turns into sugar, which is one of the main causes of cellulite. However, consuming a glass of wine or another alcoholic drink does not cause cellulite; only drinking it excessively does.  


While it is true that once you have it there is no turning back, there are many techniques to help improve your circulation and thus reduce the appearance of "orange peel" skin or prevent it from spreading.   One tip is to run. It has been scientifically proven that constant practice of this exercise is highly effective in reducing cellulite by up to 90%.   Another piece of advice is to elevate your legs (while lying down or sitting) for 10 minutes a day. Taking a cold shower and scrubbing with a brush also helps improve the appearance of your legs.   If you add to this a diet low in saturated fats and high in fiber, as well as quitting harmful habits like smoking and sedentary lifestyle, you will achieve healthy and smooth skin.   See the original article.    

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