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4 tricks to open a stuck jar
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4 tricks to open a stuck jar

By Gretel Morales - 2023-01-13T12:12:31Z
Surely it has happened to you that you are cooking a delicious pasta, but when it's time to add the sauce, the jar is impossible to open. Sometimes, someone else can help us, but other times that is not the case. So, if you want difficult or stuck jars to be a thing of the past, pay attention, these tricks will get you out of trouble! 

1. Tap the lid 
The ideal is to start with the simplest tips, and if the situation gets complicated, apply other measures, so we recommend starting here: 
  1. Place the jar on a flat and non-slippery surface. 
  2. Use a rolling pin or the handle of a large knife to tap the lid. 
  3. Try to open the jar and if it still won’t budge, give it a couple more taps.  
This tip is very useful when it comes to jars that have already been opened, as sometimes food gets stuck between the spout and the lid. 

2. Use a knife 
If the previous trick didn’t work, don’t worry, because we have many more, it will open for sure! 
  1. Place the jar on a flat and non-slippery surface. 
  2. Take a small knife and insert it between the lid and the jar. 
  3. Leverage and apply a little pressure to loosen the lid. 
  4. Turn the lid and you’re done! 

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3. Break the seal 
Another good option to open a stuck jar is to try to break the seal on the lid, here’s how to do it. 
  1. Place the jar on a flat and non-slippery surface. 
  2. Flip the jar so that the lid is down. 
  3. Tap the jar until you hear a noise, this means that the vacuum seal has broken, so you can open the jar now.  
4. Use hot water 
If none of the previous options worked, we are sure this trick will not fail, take note! 
  1. Take the jar and place it in the sink. 
  2. Turn on the hot water and wait until it gets quite hot. 
  3. Place the jar under the hot water stream for a couple of minutes. 
  4. Take a cloth and some kitchen gloves to turn the jar over.  
Now that you know these 4 practical tricks to open any jar, remember that it is also important to ensure that food does not remain on the edges or spill and become sticky, which can contribute to the lid getting stuck. 

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