Tejate is a pre-Hispanic drink typical of the state of Oaxaca, made with a base of cocoa, corn, mamey pit, and rosita de cacao, an endemic flower from the state of Oaxaca. This tejate recipe will result in a refreshing and energizing drink.
Serve in a jícara or glass and sweeten to taste if desired.
This drink contains a flower characteristic of the state of Oaxaca commonly known as rosita de cacao, which is only found in that state. An alternative to give the drink that warm flavor is vanilla; however, it is traditionally not included.
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Darik Kiwi
2023-03-01 09:13:46.871214 +0000 +0000
ehhh pinche zoe que te cuesta picarle a otro sitio? ojala y te saques un 5 en tu proyecto, nah no es cierto bendiciones y qu dios te quite la mala costumbre de no buscar bien.
2023-02-02 20:02:27.933964 +0000 +0000
Muy mal eh
Yo necesito ver la información nutrimental para un trabajo de la uni pero me dice que tiene o% de todo y que necesito la subscripción KIWIPRO no te pases eh
Muy muy mal