Homemade sandwich bread is an excellent option for healthier eating, as you can ensure the quality of the ingredients in the bread.
The spectacular flavor of this homemade bread is unmatched, and you can enjoy it accompanied by any other preparation or alone.
The egg wash gives a shiny touch to the bread and is decorated with sesame seeds.
You can store the baked bread in the freezer for several days and take out the slices you will use. You can toast them in a toaster oven or a skillet.
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Gloria Elisa Mayorquin Torres
2022-06-18 17:22:56.208845 +0000 +0000
Muy buena, el pan queda muy rico y esponjoso, la mantequilla le da otro sabor.
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2020-10-16 18:31:13 +0000 +0000
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