The original recipe for Swiss enchilada sauce uses serrano chili, but for this Swiss Enchiladas with Yoghurt, we decided to replace the serrano chili with poblano chili to give a different and delicious flavor to this tasty recipe. Additionally, we decided to add yoghurt to the sauce preparation to achieve a better texture and a slight tangy flavor.
Treat your family by cooking this traditional Mexican recipe. Do you like enchiladas?
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Chuyita Trejo
2020-10-25 08:59:02 +0000 +0000
Deliciosas. Gracias
Virginia Núñez Manrique
2020-08-11 11:53:32 +0000 +0000
Se pueden calentar las tortillas en el comal para reblandecerlas, y así manipular y enrollar la tortilla rellena, me las comería así, y con los ingredientes que me aconsejan. Gracias