4 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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4 cups milk
1/2 kilos beef liver, in steak
1 onion, in thin slices
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 tablespoon black pepper, ground
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 serrano chiles, cut in half, lengthwise
pinches salt
Mexican red rice, to accompany
beans, whole and cooked, to accompany
corn tortillas, to accompany
33.78 onzas líquidas milk
1.1 libras beef liver, in steak
1 onion, in thin slices
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
0.25 onzas black pepper, ground
1.52 onzas líquidas olive oil
2 serrano chiles, cut in half, lengthwise
0 pinches salt
0 Mexican red rice, to accompany
0 beans, whole and cooked, to accompany
0 corn tortillas, to accompany
4 cups milk
1.49 tazas beef liver, in steak
1 onion, in thin slices
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 tablespoon black pepper, ground
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 serrano chiles, cut in half, lengthwise
0 pinches salt
0 Mexican red rice, to accompany
0 beans, whole and cooked, to accompany
0 corn tortillas, to accompany
1 litro milk
0.5 kilos beef liver, in steak
1 onion, in thin slices
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
7.05 gramos black pepper, ground
4.5 centilitros olive oil
2 serrano chiles, cut in half, lengthwise
0 pinches salt
0 Mexican red rice, to accompany
0 beans, whole and cooked, to accompany
0 corn tortillas, to accompany