10 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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1 turkey
4 cups water, for the marinade
400 grams achiote, for the marinade
4 tablespoons oregano, for the marinade
4 cups orange juice, for the marinade
1 white onion, for the marinade
1 teaspoon cumin, for the marinade
4 cloves garlic, for the marinade
12 black peppercorns, for the marinade
50 grams salt, for the marinade
5 lemons, in quarters, for the filling
4 oranges, in quarters, for the filling
1/2 bunches fresh oregano, for the filling
4 red onions, for the garnish
1/2 cups apple cider vinegar, for the garnish
1 cup water, for the garnish
20 Habanero chiles, for the sauce
1/4 cups apple cider vinegar, for the sauce
1/2 cups water, for the sauce
1 1/2 tablespoons salt, to season the garnish and the sauce
1 turkey
33.78 onzas líquidas water, for the marinade
14.11 onzas achiote, for the marinade
0.42 onzas oregano, for the marinade
33.78 onzas líquidas orange juice, for the marinade
1 white onion, for the marinade
0.07 onzas cumin, for the marinade
4 cloves garlic, for the marinade
12 black peppercorns, for the marinade
1.76 onzas salt, for the marinade
5 lemons, in quarters, for the filling
4 oranges, in quarters, for the filling
0.5 bunches fresh oregano, for the filling
4 red onions, for the garnish
4.22 onzas líquidas apple cider vinegar, for the garnish
8.45 onzas líquidas water, for the garnish
20 Habanero chiles, for the sauce
2.11 onzas líquidas apple cider vinegar, for the sauce
4.22 onzas líquidas water, for the sauce
0.98 onzas salt, to season the garnish and the sauce
1 turkey
4 cups water, for the marinade
1.98 tazas achiote, for the marinade
4 tablespoons oregano, for the marinade
4 cups orange juice, for the marinade
1 white onion, for the marinade
1 teaspoon cumin, for the marinade
4 cloves garlic, for the marinade
12 black peppercorns, for the marinade
2.71 cucharadas salt, for the marinade
5 lemons, in quarters, for the filling
4 oranges, in quarters, for the filling
0.5 bunches fresh oregano, for the filling
4 red onions, for the garnish
0.5 cups apple cider vinegar, for the garnish
1 cup water, for the garnish
20 Habanero chiles, for the sauce
0.25 cups apple cider vinegar, for the sauce
0.5 cups water, for the sauce
1.5 tablespoons salt, to season the garnish and the sauce
1 turkey
1 litro water, for the marinade
400 grams achiote, for the marinade
12 gramos oregano, for the marinade
1 litro orange juice, for the marinade
1 white onion, for the marinade
2.05 gramos cumin, for the marinade
4 cloves garlic, for the marinade
12 black peppercorns, for the marinade
50 grams salt, for the marinade
5 lemons, in quarters, for the filling
4 oranges, in quarters, for the filling
0.5 bunches fresh oregano, for the filling
4 red onions, for the garnish
12.5 centilitros apple cider vinegar, for the garnish
25 centilitros water, for the garnish
20 Habanero chiles, for the sauce
6.25 centilitros apple cider vinegar, for the sauce
12.5 centilitros water, for the sauce
27.67 gramos salt, to season the garnish and the sauce