8 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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1750 milliliters white wine
2 cups juice, of pear
1 1/4 cups sugar
1 tablespoon cardamom
1 fresh ginger
1 cinnamon stick
5 pears
200 grams white chocolate, (for the white chocolate mousse)
1/3 cups liqueur, of pear (for the white chocolate mousse)
1/4 cups water, (for the white chocolate mousse)
1 tablespoon vanilla essence, (for the white chocolate mousse)
4 cups mascarpone cheese, (for the white chocolate mousse)
2 cups chantilly cream, (for the white chocolate mousse)
225 grams ladyfingers, (for decoration)
2 cups chantilly cream, (for decoration)
1 tablespoon icing sugar, (for decoration)
1 stick white chocolate, (for decoration)
59.12 onzas líquidas white wine
16.89 onzas líquidas juice, of pear
8.82 onzas sugar
0.21 onzas cardamom
1 fresh ginger
1 cinnamon stick
5 pears
7.05 onzas white chocolate, (for the white chocolate mousse)
2.82 onzas líquidas liqueur, of pear (for the white chocolate mousse)
2.11 onzas líquidas water, (for the white chocolate mousse)
0.51 onzas líquidas vanilla essence, (for the white chocolate mousse)
2.09 libras mascarpone cheese, (for the white chocolate mousse)
4.41 onzas chantilly cream, (for the white chocolate mousse)
7.94 onzas ladyfingers, (for decoration)
4.41 onzas chantilly cream, (for decoration)
0.48 onzas icing sugar, (for decoration)
1 stick white chocolate, (for decoration)
7 tazas white wine
2 cups juice, of pear
1.25 cups sugar
1 tablespoon cardamom
1 fresh ginger
1 cinnamon stick
5 pears
14.04 cucharadas white chocolate, (for the white chocolate mousse)
0.33 cups liqueur, of pear (for the white chocolate mousse)
0.25 cups water, (for the white chocolate mousse)
1 tablespoon vanilla essence, (for the white chocolate mousse)
4 cups mascarpone cheese, (for the white chocolate mousse)
2 cups chantilly cream, (for the white chocolate mousse)
4.5 tazas ladyfingers, (for decoration)
2 cups chantilly cream, (for decoration)
1 tablespoon icing sugar, (for decoration)
1 stick white chocolate, (for decoration)
1750 milliliters white wine
50 centilitros juice, of pear
250 gramos sugar
5.85 gramos cardamom
1 fresh ginger
1 cinnamon stick
5 pears
200 grams white chocolate, (for the white chocolate mousse)
8.33 centilitros liqueur, of pear (for the white chocolate mousse)
6.25 centilitros water, (for the white chocolate mousse)
1.5 centilitros vanilla essence, (for the white chocolate mousse)
950 gramos mascarpone cheese, (for the white chocolate mousse)
125 gramos chantilly cream, (for the white chocolate mousse)
225 grams ladyfingers, (for decoration)
125 gramos chantilly cream, (for decoration)
13.5 gramos icing sugar, (for decoration)
1 stick white chocolate, (for decoration)