2 papayas, completely green
water, plenty, for rinsing
1 1/2 tablespoons pickling lime
1 cup water, for the lime
water, for cooking the papaya
1/2 kilos sugar, for the syrup day 1
2 liters water, for the syrup day 1
1 kilo sugar, for the syrup day 2
2 liters water, for the syrup day 2
1.5 kilos sugar, for the syrup day 3
2 liters water, for the lime syrup day 3
2 papayas, completely green
0 water, plenty, for rinsing
0.77 onzas pickling lime
8.45 onzas líquidas water, for the lime
0 water, for cooking the papaya
1.1 libras sugar, for the syrup day 1
67.57 onzas líquidas water, for the syrup day 1
2.2 libras sugar, for the syrup day 2
67.57 onzas líquidas water, for the syrup day 2
3.31 libras sugar, for the syrup day 3
67.57 onzas líquidas water, for the lime syrup day 3
2 papayas, completely green
0 water, plenty, for rinsing
1.5 tablespoons pickling lime
1 cup water, for the lime
0 water, for cooking the papaya
2.5 tazas sugar, for the syrup day 1
8 tazas water, for the syrup day 1
5 tazas sugar, for the syrup day 2
8 tazas water, for the syrup day 2
7.5 tazas sugar, for the syrup day 3
8 tazas water, for the lime syrup day 3
2 papayas, completely green
0 water, plenty, for rinsing
21.82 gramos pickling lime
25 centilitros water, for the lime
0 water, for cooking the papaya
0.5 kilos sugar, for the syrup day 1
2 liters water, for the syrup day 1
1 kilo sugar, for the syrup day 2
2 liters water, for the syrup day 2
1.5 kilos sugar, for the syrup day 3
2 liters water, for the lime syrup day 3