The ideal dessert for those who don't eat gluten does exist, and you can make it with this Gluten-Free Nut Bundt Cake recipe.
This Nut Bundt Cake is an alkaline base food that promotes lower acidity, does not affect your digestion, and is also low in calories. To give a twist to this easy dessert, you can use Greek Yogurt.
The lemon juice provides greater stability to the egg whites. When adding the butter, be careful not to add it hot, otherwise, the egg whites may deflate.
The San Juan® Egg Whites are 100% natural and free of preservatives.
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Edgar De La
2021-02-04 21:06:26 +0000 +0000
Se ve muy buena la rosca, pero la receta en si no tiene nada de vegano, deberían cambiarla de categoria