This Christmas, dare to prepare a different version of Christmas punch with a touch of wine and slightly spiced. Enjoy your Christmas party and excellent company with a refreshing drink that will make you the life of the party, with an easy punch recipe that is prepared in just 3 steps.
It is important to let the punch cool so that once you add the wine, the alcohol does not evaporate. Once you add the apple, do not cook for too long so that the fruit does not soften.
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Ana López
2022-12-09 19:02:49.290657 +0000 +0000
Es delicioso, todos los años lo preparo para Navidad y mi familia lo disfruta mucho.
Graciela Amaro
2019-12-18 09:35:39 +0000 +0000
se ve exquisita, que clase de vino se puede utilizar?
Victor Hugo Vazquez Zapata
2019-12-15 19:20:01 +0000 +0000
Oscar Bello Rivera
2019-12-09 16:14:28 +0000 +0000
Se ve deliciosa hay que prepararla para soborearla